
IRINS @ IIT Tirupati

About Central Library

The Central Library of the Institute was established in the year 2015 with a mission to support and facilitate learning, teaching, and research in IIT Tirupati by providing information resources, facilities, and services. In accordance with the objectives of the Institute, the Library aims to develop a comprehensive and dynamic collection of resources including e-resources which will be useful for the faculty and students, supporting their scholarly advancements. The library balances its efforts towards supporting both the educational and research functions of the institution. IIT Tirupati Library received the Aspiring Young Academic Library Award at the Wiley Library Awards for 2019.

As part of the transition towards permanent campus occupancy, the Library has moved its operations and collections entirely to the Transit Campus in Yerpedu. The Central Library is in a fast-growing stage. The library has implemented RFID technology to enhance circulation services and allow users to issue, return, renew, and check library account themselves. It has also helped fortify security of library holdings, complemented by the introduction of CCTV within the library.

This Library is equipped with library automation system using KOHA open source integrated library software with Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC), which has enabled computerizing the library operations. The library uses KOHA for library management and daily operations. The OPAC allows users to search for books and check their transaction details.

In order to provide research support for the institute, library has procured plagiarism checking software and academic writing support tool. eShodh Sindhu has also provided a plagiarism checking software. Now the library is also providing remote access to our subscribed e-resources to our users.

The Central Library added 1491 printed books including textbooks and reference books on Engineering, Science, and Humanities & Social Sciences during this period. Total number of resources available in Central Library presently are as follows:

Books 10,000+
Newspapers 08
e-Books 592
e-Journals 6600+
Print Journals 10+
Databases 08
Standards 03
Library Timing:

Monday to Friday 09.00 am to 12.00 am
Saturday & Semester Breaks 09.00 am to 07.00 pm
Sunday & Public Holidays 09.00 am to 05.00 pm