Upcoming and Ongoing Events


Cancer Checkup Camp (03-02-24):

On 3rd February 2024, we organized a Free Cancer Checkup Camp with Tata Trust Cancer Hospital. About 60 people, ages 30-60, got checkups and advice from Tata Trust. Screening was conducted for cervical cancer, breast cancer, oral cancer, diabetes and blood pressure. Everyone, including faculty, staff, students, and their families, was involved. Big thanks to our student helpers for making it run smoothly. Thanks to Tata Trust Cancer Hospital for their support. They shared their knowledge, making our event a success. This teamwork shows we all care about community health.

Health Camp at Rajulapalem (28-01-24):

A General Health Camp was held at Rajulapalem on 28th January 2024. In collaboration with Sigma Hospital and NSS unit IIT Tirupati, NTR Trust organized this camp with general checkups like Sugar, BP, and Joint Pains. Medical Practitioners along with a team of 10 volunteers had conducted this health camp. This health camp was conducted in the village, Rajulapalem, from 10 AM to 12:30 PM, with the help of a team of 10 volunteers and medical practitioners. It was held successfully with a total of 52 participants. The attendees of this health camp provided positive feedback and requested similar events in the future. The camp was conducted smoothly, and the efforts of NSS IIT Tirupati were appreciated by NTR Trust.

Visit to David and Lois Rees Hospital (28-01-24):

An event was held at David & Lois Rees Hospital on January 28, 2024, involving HIV-positive children from Love in Action Trust. It ran from 9:30 am to 1:30 pm. 20 volunteers attended the activity. Volunteers, along with the NSS team, visited the hospital to spend time with the children. They played games, celebrated birthdays, and engaged in educational activities, including discussing good and bad food items. The event received positive feedback from both the children and participants, proving to be a rewarding experience for all involved.

Visit to SOS Village on Girl Child Day (24-01-24):

The NSS organized a visit to the SOS Village on the occasion of Girl Child Day,with the aim of promoting awareness and celebrating the importance of girls insociety. The activity involved interaction with the students, discussions on the role of girls, reasons for celebration, challenges they face, and highlighting inspirational figures. Additionally, the volunteers engaged in recreational activities, fostering a positive environment for the children. The students gained a deeper understanding of the significance of Girl Child Day and the societal roles girls can play. The activity at SOS Village on Girl Child Day proved to be a fulfilling and impactful event.

Basic life support training: CPR lecture (17-01-24):

A special talk for basic life support training : Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) was taken by Dr. Siddharth Reddy (Chief of the Emergency Department at Sri Maruthi Hospitals, Tirupati) and his team where he educated that CPR used in an emergency if someone is not breathing normally or their heart has stopped (cardiac arrest). This combination of techniques is used by chest compressions and rescue breathing (mouth-to-mouth). CPR helps keep the blood circulating and delivers oxygen to the body until specialist treatment is available. There is usually enough oxygen still in the blood to keep the brain and other organs alive and supported for a few minutes, but it is not circulating unless someone does CPR. Knowing basic emergency first aid and CPR is important – it can be lifesaving.

JEE Awareness Session (06-01-24 and 07-01-24):

On January 6th and 7th, 2024, NSS-IIT Tirupati held JEE Awareness sessions in JNV Kadapa in Rajampet as registration for JEE Mains 2024 got underway. The significance of JEE Mains and its registration process were explained by our volunteers. The session was quite interactive, and it was followed by a question and answer session. Ullas trust sessions were conducted for 9th class students. We conducted a personality development sessions and Carrer guidance session for 10th and 11th class students.

MPP School Visit to Jangalapalle and Rajulapalem (06-01-24)

The NSS-UBA IIT TIRUPATI organized a meaningful and impactful school visit to the MPP schools in Jangalapalle and Rajulapalem on 07/01/2024 . The visit aimed to engage with the local community, understand their needs, and contribute towards improving the education system in these areas. We list the children facing difficulties at basic levels and will visit them each month to boost their confidence.
The primary objectives of the NSS IIT Tirupati MPP School Visit were to interact with the students, teachers, and community members to understand their challenges and concerns, to identify potential areas for improvement and propose sustainable solutions, and to foster a sense of community engagement and social responsibility among NSS volunteers.

Rashtriya Kisan Diwas Online Poster Making Competition (23-12-23 to 30-12-23):

The NSS-UBA IIT TIRUPATI organized an online poster-making activity commemorating Kisan Diwas. The event aimed to raise awareness about the significance of farmers and agriculture in our nation while providing a creative platform for students to express their support and appreciation. The top three posters were uploaded to the NSS social media handles.

Open School Visit (11-11-23):

NSS-IIT Tirupati planned an Open School Visit on National Education Day, we invited students from several selected schools in and around Tirupati to our campus. NSS student volunteers accompanied the children on a campus visit, which was followed by a guidance session with Ullas Trust and lunch. We also invited the winners of our annual activity Science Hack on that day to our campus. Nearly 180 children visited the campus on that day. We received great response from all the schools, and school children felt so happy to have this visit and asked us to frequently organize them. We thank our Director Prof. K N Satyanarayana for spending his valuable time with the children. Later, The Ullas trust organized a Can-Do worshop, where students participated so actively.

Diabetes Awareness Camp (14-11-23):

Diabetes awareness camp was organised by Sri Sai Harshitha Charitable Trust in our premises on 14th November 2023 from 07:00 AM to 11:00 AM . The main purpose of this program to educate and raise awareness about diabetes. The program helps to empower our campus community with knowledge about diabetes prevention, management, and overall well-being. On this day our students helped the staff. And we saw a huge participation by students, staff and faculty.

Awareness Campagin on Organic Farming at Pagali (09-11-23):

The National Service Scheme (NSS) - Unnat Bharat Abhiyan (UBA) team organized an awareness session on organic farming in Pagali village as part of its commitment to promoting sustainable agricultural practices. The session aimed to educate and empower the local community in embracing organic farming methods for enhanced environmental sustainability, improved health, and economic benefits, with the support of Subba Reddy Sir(Horticulture officer). We gathered 10-15 farmers and conducted an interactive-cum-awareness session about Organic farming with them.

Panguru Village Profiling (05-11-23):

A village survey was conducted in the Panguru village to interact with the people in the village and to identify the present conditions and lifestyle of people under the Unnat Bharat Abhiyan program. This survey provides us with information about the problems present in the village and the difficulties people had. A total of 48 volunteers participated in this village survey, and they were divided into five groups, visited each house in the village, and conducted the survey. The primary objectives of the village survey were to identify the socio-economic profile of the village, to assess the existing infrastructure and basic amenities, to understand the health and education status of the residents.

School Mela Final Quiz (08-11-23):

On 8th October, NSS IIT Tirupati, in collaboration with School Mela team had conducted School Mela final quiz in IIT Tirupati. 30 students and 10 teachers have come from different schools. The volunteers of School Mela team have conducted the quiz and the winners were distributed prizes.

Blood Donation Camp on (07-10-23):

A blood donation camp was conducted on 7th october 2023 on the occasion of National Voluntary Blood Donation Day in association with NTR Trust. This was received well by the all and around 132 volunteers came forward to donate blood. Among these 113 could donate blood and some were rejected due to haemoglobin level/ weight or other concerns. The volunteers were were presented an appreciation certificate and Bottles sponsored by HDFC Bank. They were also given refreshments after donating blood. Overall this activity was well received by Faculty and Student both and we received good feedback from both NTR Trust and Volunteers.

Gandhi Punyaha Celebration (03-10-23):

On the ocassion of Gandhi Jayanti, NSS unit distributed sweets (Srikalahasti Kova) to over 100 housekeeping workers to thank them for their contribution in the functioning of the institute and as well as to encourage them to duty with same devotion.

Science Experiments Demonstrations at Rachagunneri (30-09-24):

On 30th september, NSS IIT Tirupati in collaboration with the EPICS MSL Team planned an experiment-filled session for class 6-10th students. We visited ZPHS Rachagunneri as part of the activity and demonstrated a few science experiments to the students. Our NSS student volunteers enjoyed interacting with them and assisting them. Students were overjoyed and actively participated in the experiments.

Swachhata hi Sewa (15-09-23 to 02-10-23):

Swachhata Hi Sewa (SHS) is a nationwide cleanliness campaign in India launched as part of the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan (Clean India Mission). It is being celebrated from 15th September to 2nd October. The theme of SHS-2023 is 'Garbage Free India' with a focus on visual cleanliness. As a part of this NSS, IIT Tirupati conducted various activities promoting cleanliness on campus.

1. 2K Walkathon and Bushes cleaning:

A 2K walkathon was conducted from the South Campus Main Gate to the Main Gate in front of the Administration Block on 30 September 2023. Numerous participation from students and faculty has been found. Simultaneously, A cleanliness drive has been organized. Maintaining cleanliness in public spaces extends beyond just aesthetics—it has far-reaching effects on public health, the environment, community well-being, and the overall quality of life for residents.

2. Srikalahasti Railway Station Cleaning:

NSS IIT Tirupati has taken this step as a railway station is a busy public space and transportation hub. Cleaning a railway station and its vicinity is a commendable initiative that would contribute significantly to the community and public services. Srikalahasti railway station and its surroundings are targeted for cleanup on 1 October 2023.

3. Jangalapalle Village Cleaning :

A nearby village named jangalapalle has also been chosen for cleaning. The village cleaning initiative engaged all the participants in targeted cleaning efforts across public spaces and communal areas. Successful waste disposal strategies, community engagement, and positive feedback underscored its impact, with a commitment to sustaining cleanliness and future initiatives in the village.

JNU Students Visit (27-09-23):

On 27th September, students from JNTU schools visited the IIT Tirupati campus. They had interaction with the students and faculty. The students also visited the labs and workshops at IIT Tirupati.

55th NSS Day (24-09-23):

NSS Day, or National Service Scheme Day, is observed in India on September 24th every year. It marks the founding day of the National Service Scheme, established in 1969 with the primary aim of inculcating the spirit of voluntary work and community service among the youth. The 55th NSS day in IIT TIRUPATI is celebrated by showing care towards nature

1. Plantation:

Planting trees is a sustainable and effective way to address various environmental challenges while providing social, economic, and health benefits. It is a collective investment in the well-being of the planet and future generations. The process started with selecting the site and plant species and coordinating with the concerned authorities and workers. One hundred volunteers, including students from various academic disciplines, participated in the tree plantation activity. The success of the plantation can be attributed to the exemplary teamwork and coordination among the volunteers. From planting to watering, every task was executed with precision and unity.

2. Cleaning of Bushes:

In a visionary collaboration, the NSS team and Aranya club united under a shared commitment. The collective goal was to establish a lush forest way, weaving through the campus and connecting our hostels to the natural beauty surrounding us. Volunteers cleaned bushes and started making the path.
The collaboration between the NSS team and the Aranya Club is poised for continued success. The Forest Way project is not just about today; it's a forward-looking initiative that will continue to grow and flourish, symbolizing our commitment to a sustainable and green future."

Visit to David and Lois Rees Hospital (24-09-23):

An event was organized with HIV-positive children associated with Love in Action Trust at David &Lois Rees hospital campus, Yerpedu, on 24th Sept 2023 Sunday. It began at 10 am in the morning and ended at 1:00 pm. Many members filled out the volunteer form, and 20 were shortlisted. Disappointingly, only 10 volunteers showed up to the activity. All the volunteers and the NSS team visited the hospital to visit the children. Children were split into groups of 10, and 2 volunteers were assigned to each group to break the ice. All the volunteers mingled with them and had lots of fun playing various games with them. Later, birthday celebrations were conducted for those children who had their birthdays in Aug/Sept. Cake and chocolates were distributed. All the children and volunteers sang songs, danced and had fun. We even played a game to teach the children the harms and good things about mobile phones. The response from the children, the organizers of the event and the volunteers was entirely positive. Overall, it was a refreshing experience for the children and the volunteers.

5K Walkathon (24-09-23):

A 5k Walkathon in association with Amara Hospital was organized at Alipiri - Zoo Park Road, Tirupati on the ocassion of World Health Day (29th September). The walkathon started from Bhartiya Vidya Bhawan School near Alipiri and ended at Zoo Park Entrance. The walkathon was organized to promote personal health and well - being as walking is simple but very effective cardiovascular exercise which helps to increase stamin and maintain overall health. 85 students and staff members from IIT Tirupati along with The Director participated in the walkathon.

Old Age Home Visit on Ganesh Chaturthi(19-09-24) :

On 19/09/2023, the NSS IIT Tirupati had the privilege of visiting the Telugu Talli Old Age Home in Tirupati. A total of 10 volunteers had gone for the visit. The purpose of our visit was to interact with the elderly residents, bring them happiness, and engage in a heartwarming exchange of stories. We spent quality time interacting with the elderly residents of the home. Our team members engaged in one-on-one conversations, listened attentively to their stories, and showed genuine interest in their lives. Many residents shared their life experiences, memories, and wisdom, which left a profound impact on all of us. To spread joy and warmth, we distributed sweets among the elderly residents. The smiles on their faces were priceless, and their gratitude was heartwarming. This small gesture brought immense happiness to both the residents and our team members. Our visit to the Telugu Talli Old Age Home was a deeply moving experience for the entire NSS team. We were touched by the resilience and strength of the elderly residents, and their willingness to share their life stories was inspiring. It was a reminder of the importance of compassion, empathy, and connecting with our elders.The visit not only benefited the residents by brightening their day but also enriched our lives by providing us with valuable life lessons. We left with a sense of fulfillment and a commitment to continue supporting and engaging with such communities in the future.

Experiment Demonstrations at ZPHS Panguru(16-09-24):

On 16th September, NSS IIT Tirupati in collaboration with the EPICS MSL Team planned an experiment-filled session for class 6-10th students. We visited ZPHS Panguru as part of the activity and demonstrated a few science experiments to the students. Our NSS student volunteers enjoyed interacting with them and assisting them. Students were overjoyed and actively participated in the experiments.

SOS Village Doubt Clearing Sessions:

From 13th September, NSS IIT Tirupati is working alongside the SOS team to establish a long-term initiative to support the SOS village's children in securing a promising future. Every week, volunteers from campus go to the SOS camp to clarify their doubts and explain some topics. (Wed-Maths, Thu-Science, Fri-English). And continuing it since.

Swachhata Pakhwada 3.0 (01-09-23 to 15-09-23):

IIT Tirupati organized a 15-day event named “SWACHHATA PAKHWADA” from September 1st to 15th to promote cleanliness among the people, per the initiative of the Ministry of Railways. The event received a tremendous response from students and faculty members, who actively participated in the cleanliness drive. Everyone put in their time and effort to make the event successful and contribute towards a cleaner environment.

1. Best out of Waste:

The "Best out of Waste" initiative aimed to showcase students' creative talent by encouraging them to make useful items from waste materials. The event was held from September 7th to 15th, and we received an impressive number of participants. During the event, the participants presented their creations, demonstrating their creativity. The top three creations were awarded prizes.

2. Room Cleaning:

From September 6th to 15th, a room cleaning initiative was implemented to promote personal cleanliness among students and faculty by requesting them to clean their rooms independently without the help of house cleaning staff.

3. Bush Removal:

As part of Swachhta Pakwada, the NSS team organized an activity called "Bush Removal" on September 10th on campus. Our volunteers cleaned the bushes that were obstructing water flow in the canal. The interest of the volunteers in cleaning made the activity successful.

4. Pond Cleaning:

As an initiative to express our concern towards the cleanliness of our campus, the NSS team organized a “POND CLEANING” activity on the 10th of September, where the volunteers of NSS cleaned the pond's surroundings.

5. Campus Waste Cleaning:

Our NSS team organized a campus cleaning drive on September 12 to encourage students to participate in societal cleaning. A total of 80 students were made into groups to cover various locations on the campus. All the participants showed great enthusiasm and dedication towards cleaning the campus, which made the event a huge success.

6. Plantation:

To increase the green cover, the NSS team organized a plantation drive on campus on September 13th. One hundred six volunteers participated in this event, planted the plants, and showed gratitude towards nature.

7. Awareness on Single-use Plastic Bag:

To promote the single use of plastic in the people, the NSS team organized the event with 13 volunteers on 14th September at Yerpedu Santha. NSS Volunteers distributed jute bags and educated locals on the dangers of plastic pollution.

Suicide prevention talk on (10-09-23):

Suicide prevention talk was conduted on the world suicide prevention day on 10.09.2023. The response from the volunteers was good as 67 people attended this talk and learned about the circumstances and likely causes of suicide and how to recognize and prevent it. Renowned psychologist Dr. Anupama from Amara Hospital delivered the talk. The feedback from the attendees was positive.

Dental Health Camp at Rajulapalem (26-08-23):

Dental Checkup Camp was conducted in association with Firoz Dental Hospital on 26/08/2023. Volunteers went from house to house spreading awareness about the health camp with the help of village volunteers. Around 30 Villagers benefited from this camp. 8 NSS volunteers excluding the core team were present. Required medicines were distributed to the villagers as well. The health camp was a success and the feedback from volunteers and villagers were positive.

Eye Checkup Camp in Transit Campus (19-08-23):

An eye checkup camp was conducted in the old library room in south campus on 19/08/2023 in association with Aravinda Eye Hospital. Around 146 people took the benefit of this Eye Camp and Patients with serious difficulties were recommended to aravinda eye hospital at discounted costs. 28 volunteers in total including the core team helped in the organisation. The camp functioned smoothly and the feedback was positive. The camp started at 8:30am and ended at 2:00 pm.

MPP School Visit to Chindepalle and Panguru (19-08-23):

We conducted a school visit to the neighbouring MPP schools situated in Chindepalli and Panguru. The purpose of a school visit is to interact with the children and impart some knowledge. The volunteers were divided into groups and interacted with the students from classes I to V. Volunteers explained the concepts related to the students, gave them motivational lessons, and made them play exciting games. This activity helps the students in MPP school get an idea about future opportunities and their choices in different fields.

Har Ghar Tiranga:

On the eve of the 77th Independence Day we, NSS Unit is promoting - Har Ghar Tiranga - a campaign under the aegis of Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav to encourage people to bring the Tiranga home and to hoist it to mark the 75 years of India’s independence. Students, staff and faculty members hoisted our National Flag at their homes/ workplaces or residence and uploaded their selfies with the flag and this events the sense of patriotism in each and every person of the country.

Independence Day Competitions (14-08-23):

As we approached the celebration of our nation’s Independence day, on 14th August, 2023, NSS IIT Tirupati conducted an essay writing competition and painting competition for students of ZPHS PALLAM School. The competition was for students of class 6th to 8th and class 9th to 10th. The aim of the event was to instill a sense of patriotism, encourage creativity, and provide an enriching experience to the students. Around 7-8 of our volunteers went to Pallam school at 9:30 am and conducted the competitions successfully. The top 2 students in every category were selected and the corresponding prizes were awarded on Independence Day, 15th August, 2023.

Pagali Village Survey (13-08-23):

A village survey was conducted in the Pagali village to interact with the people in the village and to identify the present conditions and lifestyle of people under the Unnat Bharat Abhiyan program. This survey provides us with information about the problems present in the village and the difficulties people had. A total of 34 volunteers participated in this village survey, and they were divided into five groups, visited each house in the village, and conducted the survey.

Horticulture August Month:

The horticulture program was initiated to enhance the living environment within the Sahana hostel, foster a sense of community, and encourage the residents to develop an interest in gardening and horticultural practices. It was started in the August month and continues under the guidance of our Horticulture Officer G.V. Subba Reddy Sir.

Cardiology and Neurology Health Camp (13-08-23):

A Cardiology and Neurology health camp was organized on 13th August 2023 at the Health Centre of Transit Campus, IIT Tirupati in association with AMARA HOSPITAL. The camp started at 9:30AM and continued till 12:00PM. This Camp was advantageous for everyone as they got an opportunity to know about their Heart problems and Neurological problems. 14 members utilized this opportunity. The event was very successful.

School Mela Activities:

From 5th to 12th August, NSS IIT Tirupati, in collaboration with the school Mela team, has gone to nearby schools to provide career guidance. Four volunteers went to each school and shared their experiences and suggestions to the students. Some prizes have also been distributed to the students who have done well in their academics.

HIV Event (30-07-23):

An event was organized with HIV-positive children associated with Love in Action Trust at David &Lois Rees hospital campus, Yerpedu, on 30th July 2023 Sunday. It began at 9 in the morning and ended at 12:30 pm. Many members filled out the volunteer form, and 15 were shortlisted. All the volunteers and the NSS team visited the hospital to visit the children. Children were split into groups of 10, and 5 volunteers were assigned to each group to break the ice. All the volunteers mingled with them and had lots of fun playing various games with them. Later, birthday celebrations were conducted for those children who had their birthdays in July. Cake and chocolates were distributed. After this, the actual fun part began. All the children and volunteers sang songs, danced and had fun. The response from the children, the organizers of the event and the volunteers was entirely positive. Overall, it was a refreshing experience for the children and the volunteers.

SOS Village Visit (26-06-23):

NSS volunteers visited to the SOS village nearby our and interacted with the students in the village engaging in a soulful and helping conversations. The children in the SOS village enjoyed the interact and received guidance from and counsell from the volunteers regarding their educational career and day to day queries.